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Bluenose Golf Club News

General Manager & Superintendent Spring Report – Bluenose Golf Club – March 19, 2018


Greetings from the Club!


We will dive right into what I believe is on everyone’s mind…..when are we opening?

A few weeks ago I was very optimistic for an early opening, however, the temperatures overnight are still well below Zero, and the daytime temperatures are not much higher. This means that the turf is not “waking up” as quickly as originally hoped. The grass coming out of dormancy is the deciding factor when opening the golf course. The most often asked question this time of year is, “how wet is it”? At this point in time the course is surprisingly dry, however, as previously mention the grass is still dormant and “asleep”.


We do have a lot of course clean up to do this year, and once we see a turn for warmer weather, the grounds crew will start work towards getting the course ready for the 2018 season.

Our best prediction at this time for course opening is Mid to Late April, weather dependent. More details will follow when that time gets closer. Exciting!!!


We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting membership applications and payment. The application can be found on the website and mailed in with payment to: PO Box 922, Lunenburg, B0J 2C0. The Pro Shop staff is getting ready for the season, and Jason will be at the course during regular business hours to accept your membership sign ups as well.


We look forward to welcoming you all back to the Club!


All the best,

Chad Parks

General Manager & Superintendent




     It's hard to believe but the time is drawing near to dust those clubs off and head to the golf course.  The Ladies' Executive have already met and have the agenda for the events ready to go.  We welcome back all members and are looking forward to meeting new ones.  We hope you will join us for our opening golf, lunch and meeting on Tuesday, May 28th. Our new club President Lance Rowley as well as our new Club Manager; Chad Parks will be there to welcome us. As always, the events will be posted up along with the signup sheets in the ladies locker room. We encourage all members to support our ladies Tuesday mornings, competitions and special events and of course the Thursday night socials where FUN is the key. See you over there soon!


Respectfully Submitted,

Maureen Mossman, President Ladies Division


Incoming President’s Report


Welcome to the 2018 Golf Season at the Bluenose Golf Club!

 I would like to thank the club for permitting me the opportunity to fulfill the role of President for this term. It will be a challenging period as we all know. Change is an inevitable occurrence and will be positive, but never easy. When I was making my decision as to whether I would take on this responsibility my deciding factor was that I would be able to lean on Steve for guidance and advice. His role and presence is weaved into the fabric of this club. His contributions were immeasurable and we will feel his loss at Bluenose forever.


With this in mind, I would like to commend the board and in particular the selection committee for devising a suitable solution to the hole left at the Bluenose Golf Club. We are extremely fortunate to have found a candidate who not only knows the club, and vice versa, but also has all the very difficult to come by qualifications. With a slight restructuring of existing staff and the addition of Mr. Chad Parks, we are very well positioned to meet the coming challenges ahead.


There have also been a few changes to the board. We have a new member this year in Jake Smith. Jake has been on the board in the past and we welcome and thank him for volunteering his time to help improve the club. The board would also like to thank departing members Bubby Jackson and Lynn Mowbray for their contributions and wish them both the best of luck going forward. I would also like to thank Andrew Blanchard for all his work in the last few seasons as President. It has been a difficult period for the club as of late but Andrew has kept a clear and fair vision throughout his tenure.


My major target for this year, aside from the overall goal for a smooth transition, is to improve member comfort infrastructure. The improvements to the outside patio area were not completed last year. Unexpected mechanical expenses that affected the full plan for infrastructure upgrades were encountered. So some of those improvement projects are carried over to this year. It should also be noted that there is some substantial weather related damage to the course this year and those costs will have to be addressed as well.


Once again, I would like to thank the club for the opportunity to help in any way I can. I hope everyone feels comfortable approaching me with any concerns or ideas. I, for my part, will welcome any input and encourage all members to come to me anytime. I would also like to share that my actions, decisions, and recommendations will be solely motivated by what is in the best interest of the long term health and longevity of the Bluenose Golf Club.


Lance Rowley, President
Bluenose Golf Club

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